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photo 3 : Jeju National University students campaigning signatures for the Petition of Jeju 4.3 Reconciliation Act at USA Capitol (April 3, 2019.)
 글쓴이 : admin
작성일 : 2019-04-25 00:22   조회 : 2,880  

Jeju National University students initiate Global Studdents Signature for the Petition for Enactment of Jeju 4.3 Reconciliation Act at USA Capitol on April 3, 2019 at Jeju National University campus from February 27 to April 18, 2019:

photo 1: Kang, Kwang-sik, 2. Lee Won-jae, 3. Kim Deok-hyeon, 4. Im Se-Jun 5. Ko Wonseop  at the front of Statute Deer at JNU campus ( February 27, 2019).

photo 2.: Kang Kwang-sik and Ko Won-seop with Chair of Jeju 4.3 Victim Family Association, Mr. Song Seung-Moon at his office of Jeju 4.3 Peace Park ( March 15, 2019).

photo 3: Jeju Natioal University students campaigning signatures for the Petition of Jeju 4.3 Reconciliation Act at USA Capitol( April 3, 2019.) 

According to chair of Student Association of College of Social Science of JNU 2019, they got 2,200 signatures with 14 students' associations on April 3, 2019. So it reached 12,700 totally ( year 2014- year 2016 = 10,500 plus year 2019= 2,200). They hope these can be submitted it to USA Congressmen on May 1, 2019 through representative of Jeju National University students who will  participate in the 19th World Peace Island Forum : Jeju 4.3 Human Rights, Reparative Justice and Reconciliation from April 29 to May 2, 2019.